Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The development of the line between the North and the South that led to the Civil War.

The line that divided that United States into a north and south during the Civil War did not appear instantly. Rather, the imaginary line was developed through actions and events that split a nation in half. The line first start with two different economies that existed in the United States. The north was primarily an industrial economy that had more people and more advancement through technology such as the engine powered motors that ran the factories in the north. The south developed an agricultural economy that was supported by slavery and the massive production of these crops needed the aid of cheap labor(slaves) for the economy in the south to function successfully. Throughout this blog, I will inch my readers through the stroked that drew the line that divided the United States in half and caused the more notoroius war in history.


Kaleb Bowman said...

Fergan this blog is awesome. You know so much, I am so jealous of your geniusness. Great topic, you remind me of this professor named Dr. Grettler and his Antebellum class.

Chas Welch said...

fergie i like your style. i could argue with you about the civil war all day pimp

mmmadrid said...

I really like the last sentence fergan!

Pearson said...

fergen, who do you think would win if we re-fought the civil war?

Sherman said...

Sounds like Grettler's Antebellum and Civil War class. Great topic

ewsaathoff said...

sounds like an interesting blog.